Though not included in his original plan, President Bush has agreed to limits on executive compensation and a bipartisan board to oversee the purchase of failing securities. 尽管布什原来的计划里没有限制企业主管报酬和成立一个跨党派委员会监督收购不良债券工作,他还是同意这样做了。
C.B.Bhave, chairman of the Securities and Exchange Board of India, the country's market regulator, said a decision on whether markets will open Friday will be taken Friday. 印度市场监管部门印度证券交易委员会(SecuritiesandExchangeBoardofIndia)主席C.B.Bhave表示,周五将决定是否重开市场。
Chapter four make empirical study on listed companies of steel board in china securities market, which is the core of thesis. 第四部分是以中国证券市场上钢铁板块的上市公司作为实证对象展开研究。
The market decline came after the securities and exchange board of India on Tuesday night released a discussion paper proposing policy changes on offshore derivative instruments. 在印度股市暴跌之前,印度证券交易委员会(securitiesandexchangeboardofindia)于周二晚公布了一项政策讨论稿,拟改变对海外衍生品工具的政策。
Unlike securities listed on the main LSE board, most aim securities are not eligible to be traded on other platforms. 与在伦敦证交所主板挂牌的股票不同,大多数aim股票都不符合在其它平台进行交易的条件。
Investors had thought the dispute between the US and China was on the way to being settled last year, after the US Public Company Accounting Oversight Board ( PCAOB) and the China securities regulator had signed a memorandum of understanding. 投资者去年曾以为,美中之间的纠纷有望解决,因为美国上市公司会计监督委员会(PCAOB)和中国证券监管机构签署了一份谅解备忘录。